Saturday, January 8, 2011

Today is officially a hibernation day. Check your calendar.

This morning

How is it that every week, I lose a day? Its happening more and more often. 
I was completely oblivious to the fact that yesterday was, in fact, a Friday. I would have bet the farm that it was only Thursday. Sadly, losing a day seriously screws me up.  I don't know if its old age, Fibro fog, chemo brain, or just being completely overwhelmed with everything there is to do lately.

Today, I’m afraid, its going to be completely random.  It must be the weather. Being snowed in makes me nuts. Its not just that I’m trapped inside with the kids fighting with one another. But I would rather be more productive when I am forced inside. But it never  quite goes the way I imagined it would.  I get scatterbrained. Like everyone in the house is using up the oxygen. Thus depriving my brain of any at all. 
The one thing I do like about a snow storm is the buffer it puts on everything.  In so many aspects, a heavy snow cushions and softens everything. Even the ugliest if scenes. And everything sounds soft and gentle. My yard looks so pretty after a snow. Eh, til the kids get back there and wreck it all with the sleds, snowball fights and the inevitable poorly engineered “fort”. 
Trying to get the boys out there to shovel the driveway is like pulling teeth. My oldest is home from college. You would think after not living here for a few years he would learn to do more on his own. Thats a big ol’ negative!  I’m walking with a cane and I cant get him to clear the stairs. I’m so angry with him right now. Does it make me a horrible mother that I cant wait for him to go back to school? If so, please send my Horrible Mother of The Year Award to my home address. Request it privately please. 
I sure would like a house keeper. I know I will never have one.  Its just a wish... Like I wish my children had volume controls. Or I wish I never had to do laundry.I know those things wont happen, but it doesn't mean I don't dream about the possibility.  Honestly, I live on a street of 7 homes including my own. 4 of them have house cleaning services that come at least once week. I would love to not be the person who cleans all the toilets and the tubs. That job sucks. 
My meds kept me up again last night. I fell asleep around 4am. At 6 my 9 year old daughter is in my bed chatting it up about something she heard on the news. Why does she find pleasure in the news? Are there not more kid oriented things for her to watch in the morning while I try to SLEEP?
  1. I need to find a new massage therapist.
  2. Flaxseed is NOT like a cereal
  3. The purple earplugs work the best at night and orange ones for around the house.

Well, folks that's it for today. I think I’m going to go clean up the studio and see if I can find a place to work. 

Have a happy Friday Saturday! 

And remember; Don't eat yellow snow. 


Afirmations by jagg said...

So it happens with age. We look in the mirror to find not a day that we have lost but years.

Christine said...

I love you! Thanks for making me not feel alone. I just wanted to let you know, my wonderful husband decided that a drum set was a good idea. NOT for ME!!!!

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